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Usher Protocols

Thank you for your interest in volunteering to be an Usher during our indoor worship services.  Please read through the protocols, and if you would like to volunteer, please submit the Usher Volunteer Form.


  • Three Ushers are required for each service.

    • Two ushers will direct attendees to seats​

    • One usher will monitor the foyer and outside areas

  • Ushers will register for the services they are willing to cover.

  • Ushers will be provided with a list of all ushers.  Each Usher is responsible for finding a substitute for any scheduled service he/she cannot serve.

  • Ushers should arrive 30 minutes prior to service beginning.

  • Ushers must wear a mask at all times while on church property, including the parking lot.

  • Ushers should wash or sanitize their hands before beginning their service.

  • Ushers will follow the procedures outlined below.


Prior to the Service

  • Place freestanding COVID-19 reminder signs outside the front entrance and outside the sanctuary.

  • Ensure that everyone who enters is wearing a mask.

    • DVCC has masks available should someone need one.​

    • If necessary, remind attendees that masks should be worn over the nose and mouth.

  • Ensure physical distancing is maintained.

    • Don't allow groups of people to cluster in the foyer or sanctuary.​

    • Don't allow people to explore the building.

  • If necessary, remind attendees to avoid physical contact (e.g., shaking hands, hugging, kissing)

  • Ask each attendee if they have pre-registered online.

    • If not, provide them with a paper registration and ask them to complete it.​

    • This step is critical to allow for contact tracing in the event of an infection.

  • Direct attendees to their seat/location using only the center aisle.

    • Seat attendees from the front of the sanctuary to the back​

      • The first to arrive sits in the front row, last to arrive sits in the back row.​

      • This may be difficult for some, however, this is the only way we can maintain physically distanced seating.


During the Service

  • In the even that an individual should show symptoms of COVID-19 before, during or after the service, please escort them (without touching) to the holding area.

    • Notify the Pastor of the COVID-19 Coordinator immediately and await further instruction.​

    • If they have children with them, please arrange for temporary adult supervision.

  • The Usher in the foyer will supervise entry into the restrooms.

    • The number of people allowed in each restroom is limited.​

      • There should be no more than one individual or one family group in the restroom at the same time.​

    • Direct attendees to the restrooms located in the Children's Wing (to the right as you enter the building).

    • Only handicapped individuals will be permitted to use the restrooms in the Fellowship Hall wing.

    • Remind those using the restrooms that they are to use the provided wipes to sanitize any areas they have touched while using the restroom.

    • Once attendees leave the restroom, assure that they either return directly to their selected seats or that they immediately leave the building.

  • Assure that attendees do not wander the halls, explore the building or linger in the lobby at any time.


After the Service

  • Ushers will dismiss each row after the service ends.

    • Each row should exit via the center aisle.  The outside aisles will be used only in an emergency .​

    • Dismiss the back rows first, and proceed towards the front rows.

  • Do not allow anyone to gather in the foyer.  All attendees must exit the church building immediately upon dismissal.  Attendees are welcome to socialize in the parking lot or grassy areas.

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