DVCC Events
Should DVCC have to cancel services for any emergency, an announcement will be made here, on our Facebook page (Delaware Valley Christian Church), and an email blast will be sent.
This type of notification applies only to all-church events, such as morning worship services. Life Group and other activities cancelations will be handled by group leaders.
If you are not on our email list, and would like to be notified of closings, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Join us for an epic journey through all 27 books and 260 chapters of the New Testament. Every chapter brings new insights and understanding as Through the Word teachers explain the text and bring the stories to life. All that in just 10 minutes a day!
Start a daily Bible habit you can keep, and make this the year you read and understand the full New Testament.
The plan started on January 1st, but it's not too late!
We will be starting the book of Romans on January 30th. Follow the link, then click on Day 30 of the plan.
Questions? Contact info@visitdvcc.org.
Sign up using the link below. You must have The Bible App to download the plan.
The 2024 Giving Statements have been sent to the email address that is on file with DVCC. If you have not received your statement, if your email address has changed in 2024 or if your email address is not on file, please contact info@visitdvcc.org.
If you have any questions or would like to request a paper copy, contact info@visitdvcc.org.
LUNCH BUNCH - February 2, 2025
Lunch Bunch is a great time to get to know other DVCC family members. On the first Sunday of each month, we gather at Epic Double Decker on Baltimore Pike in Media for lunch.
No need to sign-up, just show up! Each individual or family member is responsible for their own food purchase. Simply order your food, then head to the second floor where we'll share some laughs, and great conversation while we have our meal.
Join us for laughs, snacks, and a lot of questions that mean absolutely nothing. Our next Trivia Night will be February 23rd.(Which DVCC member celebrates their birthday on this date?) Doors will open at 5:00pm for fellowship, followed by the game starting promptly at 5:30.
This is a great event to invite friends and neighbors!
You must register to attend. Childcare will be provided.
God has gifted us with a wonderful building and grounds, and we have been placed as stewards over this gift. Currently, our parking lot is in need of repaving. To that end, bids have been received for the work, and grants have been applied for to help finance the project.
The total cost for the project is estimated to be between $90,000 - $115,000. Between funds already allocated, and the potential grant money, we would still need to raise between $30,00-$65,000.
The leadership is asking all DVCC members and friends to prayerfully consider donating to the Parking Lot Fund that has been set up for this particular need.
If God moves you to give, you can do so online by using the drop down menu on the GIVE page. (Look for "Give to General Fund" then click on the arrow to find "Parking Lot Fund". You can also give via check dropped off or mailed to the church. Indicate that your gift is for the Parking Lot Fund.