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Covid FAQ




As we continue to seek to be faithful to the Lord and wise in our approach to the current health crisis, we are providing the following FAQs to address some important questions you may have concerning our response to COVID-19.  


Will we be having worship services inside the DVCC building?

Yes!  Beginning Sunday, February 7th, we will return to the building.  Attendance will be limited to 25% of room capacity, masks must be worn at all times, physical distancing remains necessary, and ushers will direct you to seating.  Attendance requires pre-registration which will allow us to prepare the building prior to the service.  You must register separately for each week you would like to attend.  Registration forms will be available on this website on the Monday prior to the Sunday service (check the home page). Registration will close when we hit maximum capacity or by 8:00pm Saturday evening, whichever comes first.


If you register to attend and are unable to come, please contact us at as soon as possible so that we can allow someone else to fill your spot.


We will continue to make online services available each week via YouTube. You can find the online service under the Worship tab at the top of this page or you can subscribe to our YouTube channel.


I'm not comfortable returning to the church building yet.  Is that wrong?
No, it's perfectly acceptable to remain at home for worship.  Each person and family must access their own risk and decide what's best for them.  We support each family's decision. 


Will the church building be open during the week?

The church building will be open for specific Life Group and Youth Group meetings.  The church will not be open for impromptu gatherings.


What alternatives do we have for gathering for worship and praise during this time?

We have an online service available each week via YouTube.  You can find that service under the Worship tab at the top of this page or you can subscribe to our YouTube channel.  We also have podcasts and videos of previous sermons online already.  If you've missed some over the past year or so, now would be a good time to catch up!


Is there a way that I can get communion during the missed weeks?

Not at the moment.  However, you can prepare your own communion at home by using matzo and grape juice or even crackers and water.


Will the church be ok financially if people are unable to give in person?

We are confident that God will continue to provide the resources necessary for DVCC to minister to our church body and community.  Our secure online giving is operational, so if you'd like to contribute online, you can do so by clicking the GIVE button at the top of this page.  You can also mail a check to the church at this address:  Delaware Valley Christian Church, 535 N. Old Middletown Rd., Media, PA 19063


Are we closing the church building because we are afraid?

No.  We are choosing to close our church building and reopen it gradually to help maintain the health of our congregation and community.  It is out of love for our church body and our community that we are taking these steps to help slow and hopefully stop the spread of the disease.  We take God at His word when He says, "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9


How can I be helpful to others during this time?

  • Do "The Five":

     1.  Stay at home a much as possible

     2.  Where a face mask when in public places

     3.  Wash or sanitize your hands frequently

     4.  Don't touch your face

     5.  Practice physical distancing by staying at least 6 feet apart from those around you

  • You should also follow the guidelines given by the CDC and our local government officials.

  • Finally, you can call family, friends, neighbors and especially those who may not be able to take care of normal errands.  If you choose to help someone, be sure to follow all safety measures.


How do I get in touch with the pastors or leadership?

A general contact for anyone on the leadership team is  This email address is monitored frequently throughout the day.


For specific leaders:

     -Pastor Scott Fisher:

     -Pastor Jason Krail:

     -Children's Ministry Director, Ana Fischer:

     -Church Administrator, Tammy Calvanese:

     -Elder, Rickey Ashley:

     -Elder, Jay Merillat:

     -Elder, Dave Shellenbarger:

     -Communications Director:  Marilyn Blair:

     -Worship Team Leaders:  Ellen Funari: and Cap Ingram:


What should I do if I feel afraid?

Fear is a normal response to the kind of events we are experiencing.  Do not judge yourself or be self-critical if you feel this way.  Talk to God about your fears.  Scripture repeatedly encourages us to take all of our burdens to the Lord.  I Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your cares on God for He cares for you."


Talk to others about what you're feeling.  Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."  Expressing to others what we are feeling can help ease our anxiety and allow others to support us. Reach out to one of the pastors, elders, or ministry leader, if you feel the need.


Don't allow your fear to turn into panic.  That is easier said than done, but if you follow the suggestions above, you will be greatly helped!


What do I do if I have a question you have not answered?

Please send your question to  Someone will be in touch with you and your question may help us know what other concerns need to be addressed.




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